The Wishes Цифровое искусство 50 / 63 14
Nadin Victorya Mazpane – The Wishes
Mixed 2018.
A fragment from ”The Star of Wishes” The Wishes...
”The demon was staying in the shadow next to the stairway to heaven and was waiting for his bride...The Love awaited behind...The star were looking at Maestro from the cup inside...She saw the handsome man...The love who had some interest became by invisible and has left the demon. The love hid herself in the cup... behind the virtual star...The love has been looked at Maestro too...The invisible tentacles of demonic love found the way to their hearts.The star fire grew the bigger.”
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Добавлено: 10.02.2018
Альбом: The Star of Wishes
Альбомы автора
The Star of Wishes 63 Cyberspace. Nature theme 23 Morning star 8 Super star 4 The sacrifice 3 Ещё альбомы (1)
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